
Welcome to the website of the Exeter Coast & Country Circuit of the Methodist Church.

Our name reflects our geography: our churches are distributed across the city of Exeter, towns along the coast of East Devon, and market towns and villages around Exeter. Map of church locations

Part-time job opportunity in our Circuit

Exeter Coast & Country Circuit is seeking to appoint a Circuit Safeguarding Officer for an average of 8 hours per week. Details may be found here, and the full paperwork can be obtained from the Circuit Office.


Click on the hyperlink below to find information to view and join our live streamed services at some of our circuit churches.

Link to The Mint live streaming Sunday service (10.30am)


Link to Crediton live streaming Sunday service (10.30am)


Link to Shoreline live streaming Sunday service (10.30)


Link to Wonford Methodist Church live Facebook (10.00)


If you are new to the area or want to consider joining us then we are confident we can help.  Just drop us a line or call the circuit office (contact us) and we will assist you with any questions you have. You will always find a warm welcome whatever your age or experience of church.

“The calling of the Exeter Coast and Country Methodist Circuit is to respond to God’s love in Jesus by sharing our lives through Christian discipleship in worship, mission and service.”

We are one of the Circuits within the Plymouth & Exeter District of the Methodist Church in Britain.

Find out more about our circuit here

See our preaching plan here

Holy God, in the wonder and diversity
of your awesome creation, your glory is 
revealed all around us in a myriad of ways.
Yet we are often blinded to the treasures
that you have placed for us to discover
because our eyes are focused on our own
priorities, or we look in all the wrong places!
The most wonderful treasures are often to
be found in surprising corners, unexpected 
people and new experiences.  Help us by
your Spirit to have patience to understand
that you are always at work; even when it
remains unseen by us.  Give us eyes that we are
open to see where your activity is evident
and ears to hear when you are inviting us to
share in the process of bringing new things
to birth.
May your light shine in all the dark places
of our lives, our churches, our communities
and our world, so that the treasure that lies 
within might be revealed to us.
In the name of Christ, Amen
Gill Newton, President of the Methodist Conference 2023/24