In January 2021, the Mint Eco Church Team was formed as a response to the importance our Young Church felt about Climate Change and to raise the profile of the issue amongst our wider congregation and community.
We registered with Eco Church (An A Rocha UK project) along with many other churches. It encourages its member churches constantly to improve their green credentials and is supported by the Methodist Church. There are various sections which cover Worship and Teaching, Buildings, Community and Global engagement and Lifestyle. A year later we received our Bronze Award.
We are continuing to work towards our silver award. The biggest challenges are concerned with property and how best to work towards net zero carbon. We are embarking on a carbon footprint exercise which included asking our congregation how they travelled to church. We continue to ensure that the theme of care for creation is included within our worship and teaching, strengthen the green credentials of our building and activities, work in local and global partnerships with others committed to environmental concerns, and look at our lifestyle choices.
We have joined the Exeter Churches Green Network and each month in our monthly magazine we contribute articles. Some of these have been about lifestyle choices and we are now going to begin on some articles on the theme of Knowing creation, Knowing God. We also have a weekly eco based prayer point and have had house group discussions and talks. A member of our Young Church designed our logo. Sue Cordery from the Mint Eco Church Team
Picture above, by Muntaka Chasant (via Wikipedia), shows a shoreline in Ghana, which rem1nds us that ocean pollution is a world-wide problem.
Below are new words to an old song are by Nick Ware, who has given permission for its wide use.
Beside the Seaside (Environmental Version)
Oh, we do like to be beside the seaside.
Oh, we do like to be beside the sea.
Oh, we do like the shells that lie along the shore
Where the tide rolls in and the breakers roar.
Oh, we do like do like the starfish in the rockpools.
Oh, we do like the creatures of the sea
And we love the playful leap
Of the dolphins in the deep
Beside the seaside, beside the sea.
But we don’t like what’s happened to the seaside.
No, we don’t like the rubbish in the sea.
We don’t like the litter clogging up the sand
Or the plastic islands floating far from land.
Oh, we don’t like the oil slicks in the ocean.
Oh, we don’t like the sewage in the sea.
It’s a mess and I’m afraid
That we’ve spoilt the world God made.
We’ve marred the seaside, we’ve marred the sea.
Oh, I do hope that we can save the seaside.
Oh, I do pray that we can save the sea.
Oh, I do hope the waters where the sea gulls screech
Will be clean once more and clean the pebbled beach.
Oh, we do like to be beside the seaside.
Oh, we do like to be beside the sea
And we hope that we can learn
And we pray the tide will turn
Beside the seaside, beside the sea.
Wonford Green Team
Last summer my husband and I were enjoying a walk around the Quay in Exeter, as we approached the covered area called the Transit Shed, we saw there were a few tables set up selling produce. I stopped to browse. A lovely lady had various bars of lovely smelling soap. She explained she made hand soap and shampoo bars at her home in Devon, they were wrapped in paper and were all made using natural ingredients. No parabens, chemicals or palm oil. AND NO PLASTIC. At one time, before plastic was invented, shampoo was always sold as solid bars. On impulse I bought some shampoo and conditioner bars. I have been very pleased with the result and am pleased to reduce my plastic shopping in this way. Various businesses now sell these and there are quite a few small Devon companies which means you can support a local business. If you have the Internet, Google The Natural Spa or Emma’s Soaps or go on the site called Etsy which sells items from small producers. Lush and Holland & Barrett also sell shampoo bars.
From Alison Howell on behalf of the Green Team.
Wonford Church Green Team Update
Reduce, Re-use and Recycle this Christmas
We all know the lyrics to a well-known Christmas song, ‘It’s the most wonderful time of the year’, so this year I am looking at ways to make it more wonderful for our environment and maybe my bank account!
Before Christmas
- Only buy what you need – a shocking amount of food is thrown away over Christmas & New Year.
- Sustainability – look for locally made gifts as well as Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance etc.
- Reduce waste – buy items with less packaging, get reusable items, choose a living tree in a pot and avoid disposable dinnerware.
- Find alternatives to items that cannot be recycled – instead of glossy wrapping paper use plain brown paper which you can decorate with stampers or pen, cloth bags, a scarf or reusable gift bag. Instead of shiny Christmas crackers/hats you can make your own.
- Turn the heating down a couple of degrees and put on a warm, cosy jumper!
- Try to make something homemade like cards, gift tags, craft gifts, edible gifts or decorations.
- Waste-free giving – instead of giving people ‘stuff & things’ which they often do not want or need, why not give them cherished memories & experiences like a day out, an afternoon tea, star gazing on the moors or whatever they might enjoy doing. Or you could make up your own personalised gift coupons eg. ‘I will mow your lawn once a month, ‘I will babysit for an evening’, ‘I’ll visit & read to you every fortnight for a year’ or ‘I will walk your dog’
After Christmas
Recycle all the rubbish you can in your green bin, a bottle bank or local council Recycling Centre, re-use by giving away unwanted items to Exeter Food Action (for food items), through Freecycle or to a local charity shop, or you can sell through eBay, Gumtree etc.
The beauty of Christmas is not in the presents but in His presence.
Sue Keatt on behalf of the Church Green Team