Safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone within the life of the Methodist Church.
The Exeter Coast and Country Methodist Circuit is committed to safeguarding as an integral part of its life and ministry. Safeguarding is about the action the Church takes to promote a safer culture. This means we will: promote the welfare of children, young people and adults; work to prevent abuse from occurring; and seek to protect and respond well to those that have been abused.
Please access our comprehensive Safeguarding pages here
For any Safeguarding concerns or questions you might have, in the first instance contact your local Church Minister or Church Safeguarding Officer. They would be interested to talk to anyone who has concerns about any matter within our churches and Circuit. You can also contact the District Safeguarding Officer or The Methodist Church Safeguarding Team.
Safeguarding Contacts
Superintendent Minister – Rev’d Dr Simon Leigh email.
Circuit Safeguarding Team Leader – Rev’d Paul Collings 07941 880 768 email
Southwest Peninsula District Safeguarding Officer – Mrs Chrissie Slaney 07794 133 797 email
If you have Safeguarding Concern please use this Form